Membership Application

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Main Contact Person

Additional Contact Person(s)

Membership payments to the South Texas Builders Alliance are NOT DEDUCTIBLE AS CHARITABLE contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, dues payments may be deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses, subject to exclusion for lobbying activity. The members of this Association and each member's directors, officers, employees and representatives (when acting on behalf of the member) should subscribe to the following ethical standards.

  • Members shall support the Association's efforts to provide the opportunities and benefits of homeownership and support the Association’s events.
  • Members shall contribute their knowledge in building to the best interests of those they serve.
  • Members shall not perform, or cause to be performed, any act that would tend to negatively reflect on, or bring into disrepute, any part of the building industry.
  • Members shall help to educate the public and shall speak out as individual citizens on issues affecting housing quality and affordability.
  • Members shall not knowingly engage in activities that detract from the Association's mission of enhancing the positive image of the industry and its members through training and encouraging ethical behavior and professional standards.
The Annual Membership Fee for the South Texas Builders Alliance is $1,500. An invoice will be emailed to the main contact person listed above and your membership will become active once the fee is paid.